Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here Was My Problem...

Here was my problem:

Who is that looking back at me? 

I didn’t like my job but...I had a great title and made good money. I wanted to do something else but...I doubted I could make enough money doing it.

I never felt like I had enough time. I was burned out. I procrastinated. I was tired.

I drank too much alcohol. I was overwhelmed.
I wasn’t overweight but I wasn’t my ideal weight.
I had health challenges but they weren’t life threatening.

Things weren’t horrible but they weren’t great either. I didn't know myself. Looking back, I don’t know if I even liked myself.

I longed to know who I was, what I was supposed to be doing on this earth and how to do it.

I was cloudy and clueless how to take care of myself
Here’s what I discovered:

I felt like a contradiction.
I was a contradiction.
I believed in one thing and did another.
I used to feel stuck.
I hit my “breaking point”.
I couldn’t take it anymore.
There had to be another way to live.
But I had no idea where or how to start.

At my "breaking point" I was enraged but put up a facade that everything was fine. Working in the pharmaceutical industry, but a personal proponent of alternative healing, I judged physicians as hypocrites, eating unhealthy foods, breathing cancer into their lungs and being flawed with personal challenges like the rest of us when they were supposed to be the experts and way-showers of health and well being. 

Then I looked at the projection, I was judging myself as being a hypocrite; I wasn’t sharing the success I’d experienced in curing my own health conditions with nutritional and alternative therapies. I wasn’t sharing how I’d gotten sober, lost weight, learned to love myself and find peace inside. I wasn’t being a way-shower.

What did I do?

I made a conscious effort to re-educate, learn and implement health and well-being. And I’ve had opportunity to do a lot of it the past 10 years... 

Health transformations: 
  • Meniere’s Disease – After a year of denial, I was diagnosed at age 15, healed through diet, nutrition and ultimately reading self help books by age 24.
  • Benign Tumor – A lump that grew over the course of three years was finally removed from my body at 20. This was the first time I realized that my choices could create disease in my body.
  • Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome – diagnosed at 19 and healed through acupuncture, diet, owning my femininity and creativity by age 28.
  • Migraines – These pesky headaches started debilitating me at age 22, resist to taking medication they were cleared through nutrition and Reiki by age 23.
  • Angry and sad (aka depressed) – I finally stopped being angry at myself and accepted and allowed myself to feel my full range of emotions by age 25.
  • Alcoholism – I realized although I was highly functional, alcohol was toxic for my mental clarity and emotional happiness and got sober at age 27.

Work transformations:
  • I changed my professional schedule so that I can be healthier without loosing my edge, success or income. I actually have more edge, experience more success and celebrate more income as a result because I am in alignment – my inner beliefs match my external actions whether I am coaching a client or consulting in pharmaceuticals.
Human or Chimp ?

Mental and Emotional transformations: 
    Planting new seeds

I had to challenge and change deep-seeded beliefs that I bought into growing up in my family and society. Choosing health has become a process of deprogramming and return to what my body innately already knew how to do.

As a result of healing, I’ve come to see western physicians for who they are – first and foremost human beings who have human lives, strengths and weaknesses, second professionals who are trained to diagnose based on symptoms and manage those indications. And I’ve come to see myself, everyone, for who we are – doing the best we know how to do with the information we have at any given moment. I was able to soften and see the beauty in human imperfection, the medical system’s imperfections, the pharmaceutical industry’s imperfections, and as a result, come up with solutions.

Whispers were quiet, like a butterfly's wings dusting my lips

I’ve come to equanimity. I've gotten clear on what I am supposed to do with what I’ve learned from my career in the pharmaceutical industry. I’ve finally listened to the quiet and delicate whisper inside of me. Most people know they are unhealthy, just like I knew, but they don’t know how to start. I'm here to help others get started.

How do YOU get started?

How do we get healthy? Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, financially, professionally?

  • Slow Down: I’ve come to learn that it’s all about slowing down, attuning, listening and taking action on what my own inner physician tells me. This is like any other habit – it gets easier the more you practice. If I slow down enough in my daily life, if I reflect on what was going on before I got sick, I will notice patterns that I can be proactive about in the future.

I know. Taking a pill is easier, cheaper and faster. The results are immediate. I had a client recently tell me that she’s become a germ-a-phobic because she can’t afford to take the time off from work.

Pills - Breakfast of Champions

In a culture of immediate gratification, a pill is attractive. But is the pill healing me? No. The pill is preventing me from doing what my body is begging me to do – STOP. REST. Resting, restoring, relaxing have become underrated words and choices in our culture. 

  • A simple cold and sinus congestion now means exactly that to me – my body’s energy has become congested, too much is going on, and it needs me to stop and rest.
  • A headache, a pain in my head, means exactly that – my body’s energy has become pressurized in my mind and my brain is overthinking, over analyzing, its exhausted.
  • Antidepressants support individuals (myself included) through a challenge, and within time, wean off and implemented alternatives like yoga, meditation, therapy, spirituality and self-counseling.
Seeing both the torture and relief that subjects endure while enrolled in clinical trials, observing the examples above, I know there are a time and a place for prescription drugs.

What’s NEXT?

When I hit my "breaking point" I wish I’d had access to what I've learned the past 10 years.

I’m offering a Complimentary Teleconference on July 15th at 6 PM PST where I’ll share:

o   How to transform your physical, mental and emotional health
o   How your work and life will shift as a result
o   How YOU can start NOW

I’d love to hear your comments. Please share below. 

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