Sunday, April 22, 2012

Test It and Track It

As a consultant in pharmaceutical research, I learned early to test and track outcomes before making a conclusion. 

Only by testing something over time and tracking an average was I able to determine if a product or device worked.

I apply this same skill to my life. When I am afraid to make a change to my business, spiritual practice or even exercise and eating habits, I will test and track the change over time before I decide that it is useful.  

I assign a number on a scale of 1 through 10, each day for one week.  If at the end of the week I notice that I’ve rated an overall improvement towards a 10, then I have more confidence making a change that at first seemed scary. 

This is how I was able to remove alcohol, sugar, and wheat from my diet. 

This is how I was able to overcome a fear of swimming and drowning. 

This is how I was able to train for a Half Ironman. 

This is how I was able to heal conditions that doctors said were incurable. 

This is how I was able to find happiness and peace.

Test it and track it before making a decision. At least then you'll have evidence for your choice, whatever it may be. 

I'd love to hear if there is something that you want to change but have been afraid to take action?